
Hello there! We hope you find this vacancy interesting and look forward to your application!

From the People management perspective, People BPs accompany the area Directors in the decision-making processes regarding people development. So together, they analyze the areas’ current structure and determine which strategic development plan is the best choice for each area’s present and future success. This can involve working on talent development towards the promotion of certain team members, handling processes for internal rotations both between roles within an area or between areas per-se and accompanying the decision of opening new positions for talent acquisition’s demand. Moreover, they also advise the areas and directors on general People-related topics. 


Overall, they're the ones who oversee staff members’ overall performance within each area or business unit. They help with feedback preparation and delivery; they will work closely with the Directors to detect staff potential growth and leverage their performance (career development). They can help to Identify training needs for teams and individuals and make sure ENG´s values and ENGway are present in all the company’s staff.  


They also analyze and implement the best strategies to lower attrition rates and resolve any conflicts that may come up, aiming for ENG to be “The Best Place to Work”.


Finally, the People BPs will work together with the Recruiting team during the selection processes.

Requisition number: 1030